Epic Cleantec

Ep. 17 Helping buildings preserve water

Did you know that buildings use 14% of all potable water in the world? Epic Cleantec offers onsite water reuse solutions with sustainable building technology designed to conserve water, recycle resources, and save money.


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Why We Made this Film

Taking shorter showers and turning off the tap while you brush your teeth is great, but is this really the best solution we have to conserve water?

Buildings use 14% of all potable water in the world. We use an incredible amount of water and its heat energy for things like showers, cooking, dishwashers, or laundry, but very few buildings recycle it.

Living in the Middle East, Aaron Tartakovsky gained a sensitivity to climate change and felt the urge to make an impact. He founded Epic Cleantec to find new and efficient ways to repurpose water in what he has coined a “water reuse revolution”.

Epic Cleantec takes building wastewater and converts it into three outputs: clean water, soil products, and recovered wastewater heat energy. By producing this high-quality water, they can help buildings reuse anywhere from 50% to 95% of their wastewater.


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