Clean Crop Technologies

Ep. 46 Curbing Post-Harvest Food Waste

In the US alone, nearly 1/3 of all food produced is wasted, accounting for 4.4 Gigatons of CO2 emissions every year. Clean Crop is an agriculture technology company that replaces fossil fuel-derived chemicals with air and electricity to boost yields, improve food safety, and reduce food waste.


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Why We Made this Film

In the U.S. alone, nearly 1/3 of all food produced is wasted, accounting for 4.4 Gigatons of CO2 emissions every year. A huge part of this is due to toxins, pathogens, and pests that start in the field.

Clean Crop uses cold plasma technology to remove different contaminants like bacteria, mold, fungus, and viruses from the surface of different foods and seeds, reducing risk and waste from the farmer all the way to the consumer.

Their process will offset as much as a gigaton of CO2 emissions by 2050. This unit of mass is equivalent to one billion metric tons, 2.2 trillion pounds, or 10,000 fully-loaded U.S. aircraft carriers.


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